
Kikka Reyes-Acosta

Certified Yoga Instructor and Sound Healer

Three part yoga curriculum for Accelerated Childrens Education
I. Week 1
A. Course Objectives, Protocol, & Equipment Lesson
1. Combines breathing and centering techniques, community building exercises, experiential activities, yoga postures, relaxation techniques and meditation to help students create healthy ways to manage their emotions and stress levels and promote strength, balance and flexibility.
2. Basic yoga principles (theme) and history, yoga personal objectives/intention, etiquette
3. Yoga mat or not, it can be done anywhere! Review of additional equipment (blocks, straps, blankets to modify for space, stability and intention)
B. Meditation Lesson—‘There are as many ways to meditate as grains of sand’
1. Benefits of meditation and discussion.
a. personal challenges (academic, personal, social)
b. wide range of methods, benefits
2. Experiential activity to transition
3. Basic awareness meditation
4. Loving-kindness/visualization meditation
5. Meditation discussion/feedback/thoughts
C. Breathing Lesson: technique incorporated in with breathing.
D. General properties of basic asanas and benefits Lesson(part 1)
1. Standing
2. Core awakening
3. Arm Support
4. Healthy wrists sequence
5. Healthy shoulders sequence
E. Learn Sun Salutations
II. Week 2
A. Basic yoga principles theme
B. Meditation Lesson
1. Meditation practice
2. Discussion and feedback on meditation experience
C. General Properties of Basic Asanas and Benefits Lesson (part 2)
1. Back Bends
2. Twists
3. Forward Bends
4. ‘Hip Openers
5. Inversions
6. Savasana
D. Fun Yoga Game incorporating asanas and fun
E. Class teach Class group lesson
III. Week 3
A. Basic Yoga Principles Theme
B. Whole body yoga lesson
C. Meditation Lesson
1. Practice
2. feedback
D. Beginning Relaxation Yoga Lesson
1. Objectives
2. Breathwork for relaxation
3. Use of props
4. Restorative and gentle yoga sequence
E. Group discussion/ feedback/ ideas
Kikka Reyes-Acosta
Certified Yoga Instructor and Sound Healer